Mitigating the Bubble

Today after many years of trials and tribulations I have mitigated a sonic aberration a horizontal phase anomaly in my center stage.  While the center image was always stable and outlined it seemed narrow and bubble like and I would need to shift my body angle to really lock in the image. This was obvious on many CDs and LPs .

I have many man made fixes that helped the situation but never a total cure. Some of these are now permanent fixtures on the ceiling in 2 different locations. I made my own acoustic panels filled with long hair sheep's wool and 3 Argent Room Lenses.  I have laminar flow lenses that focus and stabilize the image across the front stage. I have built and treated an acoustic fan that overcomes the  boundaries with in my room by reducing interference. I have loaded my speaker cabinets 3 times with new drivers and now an outboard crossover. This was after my Essence 30s speakers and my Dunlavy SC4s.  ..All my components are hard mounted and direct coupled to the floor...on rock solid racks and speaker stands, custom mono bloc amps each on their own stand. All of these devices and angles and positions made the image wider and more focused but I still had that little  bubble and shift before me. Always less annoying with each new device and tweak.

So, your probably saying to yourself hurry up and get to the end. The end finally arrived today after having applied a contact enhancer 7 days ago to just 6 RCA ends out of many connections in my system.  Today with a friend who has been here a hundred times sitting in the Chair playing the same music as usual he said there was a wider sweet spot. I despise that term but he said it and not me.What we both heard was a super stable center image that was a few feet wide and not just one. The bubble was gone. The head in the vise was gone.  Off came the straight jacket and helmet. What I have now in this space intime is a glorious fully extended soundstage with all the meat on the bones and the features of talking heads on a real live performance stage. 

I have probably used eight different contact enhancers over five decades but this one blows my mind. This product  Nano Flo is the ultimate in transparency. 




@nano-flo actually do not buy into your snake oil bs cables. My Zavfino Silver Darts are fantastic. Your business is done slick. Should have listened to Chuck. 

Sad little man. 

Stating how you like the cables you personally own is trolling??!

Let’s see,

Promised published data- nothing. claims of videos coming out- nothing. promised money back guarantee- nothing....

Not a single promise met.

It’s obvious who you troll for; yourself.

And you’re really, really bad at it.

@nano-flo your ignorance is astounding. So how many post, how many pages here and that’s the best you have. You are functionally illiterate in both the English language and business. You completely lack honor or integrity. Your sociopathic tendencies come right out in your last post.

Pay @glory and go away, you are nothing more than a Carnival Barker. Selling drill bits at the state fair.



A few facts, if you don’t mind letting facts get in the way.

1) You posted an ad on Ebay for a power cable with your Nanoflo treatment applied

2) You did so initially with an unconditional money-back guarantee

3) @glory and you agreed to a severe discounted price at less than half of your ask

4) @glory decided for whatever reason to return the cables for a refund

5) Between you and @glory there were some zigs and zags about possible other sub-deals and modifications but based on the commentary, it doesn’t appear any of those other variations were agreed to by either party

6) You flatly refuse to refund in spite of you initally having no terms or conditions

7) You subsequently have changed your terms and conditions to make it more difficult so maybe @glory isn’t the only requested refund in process

8) You have visions of grandeur about the value of a mild abrasive suspended in Vaseline as an effective “contact enhancer”

9) You may or may not sell alot of these to unsuspecting and perhaps foolish buyers who purchase in spite of your willingness to abide by your own terms so buyer beware

10) You are indeed displaying the classic behavior of the stubborn child unable to see the forest for the trees but that’s ok, no sweat off most of us because there is no desire to provide capital to a charade

11) Your best strategy is to refund @glory and hope that none of the others who will want a refund do their due diligence but I actually am holding out hope that you don’t…not because I want @glory to be harmed but rather I want there to be a clear cut pattern of behavior established by you so that decent hifi folks will avoid you and your products

12) What’s hilarious is you actually believe you have some superior intellect when, to those who take a milisecond to review your communications and your track record, we are left shaking our heads in laughter

13) You have no special product unless you were to market it as some sort of surface polish and lubricant which enhances the connection by effectively sanding microscopic surface anomolies but of course, you wouldn’t know because you have no credible scientific background nor expertise in any applicable field

14) I hope you keep posting your jr high replies and retorts so people get an absoltuely clear picture of who you are. In the unlikely event I encounter an employee with the traits you frquently display, they are soon unemployed. It isn’t worth the effort to try and convince them they weren’t hired to retool the company, just to mop and empty the trash

15) I’m sure you’ll make a little money here and there and those who are secretly backing your endeavor (because you wouldn’t know the first thing about how to build a cable nor are you likely to have the working capital to launch a lawn service let alone a viable cable company) may be able to stick a sock in that pie-hole long enough to sell a few. I very much hope the audio community is able to identify who those people are who are behind you because they are equally as undesirable as you are.


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