Improve sound

I have a pair of martin logan 40i. Blusound node most recent version. Anthem mrx 720. I have the speakers connected with bi wire blue jeans speaker cable. The blu sound via optical cable.  I have about 1000 dollars.  What could I upgrade.  Thought about getting an amp like the parasound 23+ or upgrading the streamer to a cambridge. Please I would love some help/suggestions.




Room treatement is the most important upgrade for electorstatic speakers. Since I have owned ML  -> Quad -> Stax -> Sound Lab A645, I think that I have some experience with this subject. 

The room acoustics and the setup are the biggest contributors to the sound you hear. If they're not right, no gear change can help that.

Go to an audio show.  You would be surprised that really expensive speakers can  sound crappy in an untreated room.  Get some absorption panels and experiment with placement in your room.

What do you feel is lacking in your current system? Does your gut tell you something is missing? I am not a fan of AVR’s for serious audio, but the specs are better than average on the Anthem and it should drive those speakers. Still, the Parasound would probably provide a more refined sound. I agree that a decent DAC is needed regardless, Schiit Bifrost or Denafrips Ares are good starts and fit your budget. Ditch the optical connection immediately and get a BJC digital coax. Try ARC of course and room treatment if possible, but also mess around with placement, find what works best, even if it is not feasible.  

I'll second the question re: what you feel is missing. But since it doesn't seem that you're being active on this thread, I'll just generalize.

Since the room is always a feature, re-analyze that. In looking at your speaker specs, I'd suggest looking into a sub (relative to the kinds of things you listen to); if doing that, I'd set your speakers to "small" and let the sub take some of that load off them.

Re: a DAC, I recently retired my Node and switched to a separate streamer and DAC (I'd tried the Cambridge, but their oversampling didn't sit well with me). The Anthem looks like a good piece of gear for what it is; not knowing if it would bypass their own DAC, I'd still try analog and digital versions of the same song(s). One issue would be that the Node has a terrible analog output (there's a mod coming out of Poland, but I didn't want to go through the hassle or voiding the warranty), so unless you connect a USB DAC to the Node and feed its analog output to your receiver, you can't really tell. I'd suggest a vendor who'd give you a 30-day return policy (I used a Topping E50 DAC), connect it via USB to your Node and run the analog output into your Anthem, comparing it to the digital output from the Node. It might be that you prefer - possibly definitively - the standalone DAC analog output to the Anthem's DAC.

One more thing to consider is that (apparently) you're running a stereo setup through a multi (-multi!) channel receiver, and there might be other setups that would do much better for you. There are others here who could better recommend a solution relative to your budget, but I'm guessing you could still get a good price for the Anthem (sell or trade) and better tune your receiver to your equipment unless there's a longer-term plan for a surround system; otherwise you're under-utilizing an important part of your system and, relatively speaking, not getting your investment's worth.