I own a SME V on a SOTA Cosmos.
@neonknight I ran a Cosmos for quite a while with the SME5. Mine was an early Cosmos (serial number 0, the production prototype which was done entirely in white). The Cosmos had an excellent platter pad at that time, designed by Warren Gehl of Audio Research (before he joined them). This has been the most effective platter pad I've seen. I have one; Warren sold them directly prior to SOTA getting the contract for the product.
Some of the recordings I use for reference are ones I've made. So I know what they sound like since I was there.
Back in the old days when the SME5 was first made, there were only three top arms; the SME5, the Graham unipivot and the Triplanar. I tried all of them. The Triplanar proved itself the most versatile, being able to track a wider range of cartridges due to its greater adjustability. Since then the Triplanar has been improved and there are 3 models. I've yet to hear anything beat it. Its the only arm that can do what my master tapes do without coloration, showing that the LP was mastered properly. I've never been able to find anything that could make it mistrack. I've had mine about 15 years and I hear there's a new wire that might be a bit better, but I've not had much incentive to update- it works really well.
One thing this arm really taught me is its much more important that the arm be able to track the cartridge properly than ultimately what cartridge you actually have. Anyone who does not understand that will be doomed to spending more and changing out cartridges much more frequently.