Home theater and 2 channel setup from same speakers?

Is it possible to have a home theater mutli channel setup going to the same L/R speakers as a 2 channel system?  Some kind of A/B box? 

I currently have a home theater 5 channel setup.  I would like to add a tube based system and some new speakers.  The room I'm in could probably support both sets of L/R speakers but I was curious if I wanted to downsize speakers, is it possible to run a AVR and tube integrated amp without physically moving cables and such? 

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Another yes. I use the HT bypass feature on my Pass Labs xp22 daily, AVR is an Arcam AV40 which is a pure receiver with no internal amp. My 2 channel source and DAC are totally independent of the Arcam, but all else (amp, speakers, etc.) are shared.


Best of both worlds! Sound quality is excellent for both uses.

I deleted my previous 3 posts. about using the Receiver’s inputs

My understanding is that , only a Receiver, with a HTB ( if there are such Receivers ) could be connected to a external preamp.


p.s. : an AVR is a Receiver ; wihich  is not the same as a Processor

The OP owns a Receiver

I believe that the HT AVR (receiver) or AVP (processor) supplies either RCA or XLR outputs to the amp(s).
It is shown in the white section on photo 5 of 8 on here:

RCA inputs could take in a TT or AM/FM tuner, or something else…
But I think that the OP wanted the HT output to go THROUGH the preamp.

Then they may want RCA to XLR depending on the preamp and amp(s).
Mine are XLR from the HT, XLR at the preamp bypass, but the existing amps are RCA. Ideally those amps would be XLR.



I thought , the OP wanted the Tube preamp to go THROUGH the Receiver.

Then , being able to use the same speakers he already owns.

If he uses the RCA outputs , to the preamp ; the OP will have to buy

a power amplifier. and a speaker , A/B switch for using the same spreakers.

I have an Acurus ACT4-20 Processor. I am less familiar  with Receivers.

In my knowledge, there is no Receivers with a HTB ( input)that allows to bypass

the preamp section of the Receiver; and then allows , only an external preamp;

and using that way ,only the amp section of the Receiver.