Single plug dedicated circuit?

I guess if you truly want to do a dedicated circuit wouldn't you have to be allowed to only plug-in one device. If you plug two items into the outlet isn't one item going to contaminate the other item with noise from the first item?

So a multi branch circuit would be sharing 4 items.

I guess it gets down to sharing and Best to share with one but tolerable and acceptable to share with 4 components plugged into the quad outlet?

So how many people are only using one component per circuit breaker which is the truly finest way to receive a pure signal, at least if you ignore what occurred before the current reached the circuit breaker.


As you stated, a dedicated line can be contaminated at the service panel even if it’s on a different leg than other AC devices. The problem with a subpanel is that it’s tapped off the main panel. The ultimate subpanel would have it’s own line run from outside and its own ground. But that wouldn't be Kosher. 

The ultimate subpanel would have it’s own line run from outside and its own ground. But that wouldn’t be Kosher.

What with all the dedicated circuit threads and with what I have been recently doing with my own, I was thinking that the ultimate & best would be to have a separate service (meter, panel, etc.) put in for just the listening room. This will not happen for me in this life time.

@emergingsoul , up until quite recently I was running three dedicated circuits for my system (which is currently four pieces). I had read a couple of threads here on A’Gon suggesting that one circuit was actually a better way to achieve the desired sonic result, so about a week ago I put everything on one duplex and turned the other two breakers off. (All three are on the same leg; that leg has one other breaker on it from a previous set of dedicated lines I ran, and it is currently unused and off; that leg also has the washing machine on it, which is never in use when I listen.)

I was not predisposed to thinking one would sound better than the other, although I was hoping I would like the sound of three lines better, seeing as how I had recently added three more dedicated lines. To begin with, I did not hear much, if any, difference (that is the way my ears/hearing works and why I hate doing A/B comparisons); however I felt that with only one line vocals sounded a tad softer and rounder and there was a bit more sparkle to the existing sparkle (and I am not using ’sparkle’ in a derogatory way). But after more sessions, I truly believe I am finding my listening experiences to be more enjoyable now. As an example, last night I put on the MFSL SACD "Pearl" (Janis Joplin) which has never done much at all for me. Besides "Me & Bobby McGee" there isn’t much that has really grabbed me, and I always thought of it as a rather flat & wooden sounding recording, and if my oldest sister hadn’t bought the LP when it came out, I probably wouldn’t own the two digital remasters of it that I do own. Last night it was blowing me away with the amount of detail I was picking up within a sound stage that I had never heard being that big before.

Anyway, I digress and I am sorry for the "Pearl" side story I went off on, as there could be other factors that contributed to that revelation. And back to the 1 vs multiple dedicated lines, it must be noted that the was I routed my latest three lines was not to the specifications that Jea has previously listed. I can remedy that, but for now, it is feeling like a project I don’t quite have the energy for yet. Therefore, I am (for now) sticking to just one of my three lines.

Oh well . . . ramble on. . . .



I’m not sure what any of you think you gain by having an extra meter and panel.

The panels aren’t magical noise filters nor do they somehow improve the power delivery.

About the best you can do is run a sub panel from your main panel to your stereo room for the thick wiring, but that still leaves you vulnerable to noise and hash at the main or from the power line. The power line itself is not beauty of a noise-free source either.

I have a power regulator at my stereo, which switches every 5 V difference, keeping my VAC at my stereo between 116 and 122 VAC all the damn time. Even with everything off it is switching to keep the voltage right.  Would this be better running a thick wire all the way to outside? Only a little, in as much as the voltage drop caused by the stereo load would be minimized but there’s a lot of voltage variation at the transformer, and no amount of palladium plated, platinum core wire the size of my thigh is going to fix that.


I'm not sure what any of you think you gain by having an extra meter and panel.

I don't make any claims to being an electrician or having much of an understanding of electrical theory, but from what what I have read on other threads here on A'Gon on this subject, isn't some of the RF pollution happening at the neutral ground bar(s), and if so, wouldn't a whole separate meter and panel remove this factor?