The best plug in filter ever!

Puron AC Power Conditioner by Greg Voth

After reading rave review of Puron AC plug in filter, I had got one 10 days ago.

For your information my system is very complicated with bi amping and three Farad linear supplies.

Thus I have 14 power cables, one main power conditioners, three isolation transformers.

I had tried plug in fliters from quiet lines, quartet stecker, IFI, furutech, Nordost Qv2 and QX2 fliters.

I still have all of them in my system without selling any of them.

I am collector. 😁

All of them had brought slight improvement but not drastic change.

But as soon as I inserted Puron Ac filter, it made background black with more details and clear bass.

The stereotimes review is spot on.

Encouraged by the result, I had ordered two more of them so that I can insert more of them close to amps and Dac.

Now my system got transformed with more vivid and clear sound stage but not overetched.

This is the best 750$ that I had spent during last 5 years in my audio system.




So, getting back to the Puron filters.

I just tried one of my Puron’s into the subwoofers (4) dedicated line... and indeed the bass sounds purer. I like it!

Now to get some more..



they are passive conditioners using piezo crystals for creating electric fields purifying mains supplies (simailar to Acoustic Revive and Furutech) I concur with your use of Isotek. I use a Vision G2 for filtering the PSUs of my digital gear for DC and ground level noise


So, do you think you will try a Puron?

BTW, on each of my 3 dedicated outlets I will have:

  • AudioQuest Niagara 7000, 1200 or 1000
  • HF helix signature
  • Isotek EVO 3
  • Puron


Call me skeptical, or confused, but what did your system sound like before if you noticed an improvement every time you added 9 different plugs?

And where did you find the 9 extra outlets to fit them in?


Good questions.

Yes, each addition brought better sound quality in some way, otherwise I didn’t use it.

When I ran my 3 dedicated lines, I used 10-gauge wire terminated in several quad wall outlets with Furutech outlets and with Oyaide covers. I also have several 4-8 outlet heavy aluminum junction boxes that I made with Furutech outlets/inlets and 10-gauge pure silver wiring.

But most of my components are plugged into the Niagara's

I am such a tweaker...
