PrimaLuna Prologue 8 CD Player Sound

Anyone own a Primaluna Prologue 8 cd player. I am looking for a tubed cdp that doesn't have overly warm bass. Any owners care to comment on it's sonic signature.
In these forums as well as the others this cdp has barely made a ripple on the high end audio pond. I thought it might get big but it didn't. However, as far as a tubed cdp without overly warm bass, look no further than the Raysonic CD128. I own one so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I think it is detailed, with powerful bass and smooth extended highs. It won''t cost you as much as the Prologue 8 will either.
I think the Primaluna Prologue 8 cdp is not hitting it big because it is butt ugly IMHO. I looks like an amp. For $2.5K let's put some style into the design. There is no creativity to it at all. Send their industrial designers back to school.
Mrjstark, it's easy to miss a piece in the classifieds that rarely shows up in the used market, but I've not seen one for sale here at the Gon. I must have missed that one. And, what dealer that you are aware of sold a demo for $1500? That would be a great price.