Cable advice

Looking for some opinions on cable mixing. I’ve read that all the cables should be the same brand and same line up to have a more cohesive sound. That does seem to make sense in my head but how important is that? Are you for mixing cables or are you strictly one brand one line and why? What has your experience been?




I also have at least 4 different brands and different quality, although all at least mid-level (at least in my opinion they are mid-level!) The only time I’ve heard they should be the same is from a dealer wanting me to spend thousands to upgrade to one brand and all at a very high level, which of course he sold. I didn’t go for it. 

Using Audioquest as an example, they are very clear that listening is a significant part of their product development, so it seems that if I like the sound characteristics of one of their cables, I'm likely to also appreciate their other products since they are likely all listened to by the same people.

The potential options for cable brands is essentially infinite, so staying with a single brand does limit the options if you don't have deep enough pockets to trade in everything multiple times.

One downside to sticking with a single brand is that sometimes a company is a one trick pony where it doesn't seem logical that the same basic design would be optimal for power cords, interconnects, and speaker cables since they do different things electrically.

I have Waudio and Pangea power cords, Morrow Audio interconnects, and Blue Jeans Cable speakers cables.

All of the manufacturers would say that you should have a matched set of their cables.  Once a seller sells you a set of cables, saying that having a matched set will sound even better, thus opening up many more sales.  So you can see where this advice comes from.

I don't even consider is.  

Of course I only have one cable of each type:  one ethernet cable, one usb cable, one set of interconnects to my amp, one set of speaker cables.  All are a differt signal in a different application. So even if they were the same brand, they would all be different.


The manufacturers have incentive to suggest that all cables be the same.  Since each set has a different purpose and often different impedances in play, you could be very likely get best sound with different cables.

You will receive varying opinions regarding your question. I really don't think there is any one correct answer it all depends on each person's equipment and the synergy developed between components and cabling. I have systems that I like that are all from the same manufacturer and other systems that I achieved the sound I personally wanted by carefully mixing and matching various manufacturers' cables. In case you have not guessed I say nay to those that insist that cables should not be used for tuning, but you have the right to your own opinion ;-)