Great phono stage, with character, for a digital pre

I have been trying out a NAD M12 and M23 setup which is really nice!  For my turntable I have a Sota Saphire VI with an Audiomod tonearm and a Dynavector Karat 17D2 MK II.  My current phono stage does not wow me much (McIntosh MP100).  Since the analog signal is going in and being digitized right away I was looking at other stages that may be warmer and give music that analog sound still.  So looking for recommendations for a stage with character , $2500 budget, and I listen to classical, jazz, and rock.  

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The particular cart in use I wouldn't describe as very ' warm / rich ' based on my experience with it. YMMVY but might be a bigger piece of the puzzle than assigned so far.



truth there as well…. That and frankly most Dynavector are “ truth tellers “….. not unusual for people to “ warm them up “ in a variety of ways…… the SOTA while also pretty neutral leans warm imo….

@simao I agree, wish the Herron was still in production..used examples are very desirabe….i dont plan on replacing mine anytime soon. Having said that my other phono is an ARC REF phono 2 se…… blessed i know…

enjoy the music.


well that’s a blessing ;-) i lived in Wildwood for 3 years….. missed opportunity….