Best amp for Salon 2

I am new here and working on my first setup. I was able to find an excellent deal on Salon 2 as the shop was getting rid of floor displays. Unfortunately they only carry Anthem STR and Mark Levinson in pre-amp and amp. I just heard Anthem and they sounded good. Mark Levinson is significantly expensive. Looking at the specs I could not make out much difference. This set up is going to last for years for me. Are there any better amps out there for Salon 2 ? I would prefer to stay below $25K. 


Salon 2 owner for several years now, amps I tried and had in my my system were ,

Aragon Palladium II monoblock: deep bass but little dry on top end.

Krell KSA-250 class A complete rebuilt :deep bass overall very good sounding for what it is.

Plinius 301 stereo amp with Primaluna 400 preamp: quick bass but nothing special.

Bryston 7B ST monoblock: none to talk about.

PS Audio S700 monoblock: none there .

PS Audio BHK 300 monoblock block + matching PS Audio preamp: sweet on top but lacks of cracking deep tight bass the Salon 2 capable of.

McIntosh MC-601 monoblock: it’s just ok sounding,little dull.

McIntosh MC-462 +McIntosh C-2700: still doesn’t sound right.

McIntosh MC-611 monoblock +C -2700 preamp: common sense kicks in that McIntosh gear in my system with the Salon 2 just doesn’t sound right!

Symphonic Line Craft 300 40th Anniversary 300W  class A monoblock in one chassis pairing with Symphonic Line Preamp: finally I feel like I don’t need to change or chasing ,hunting for another amplifier any time soon. The SL Craft 300 gives me everything I was hoping for and it doesn’t run hot at all for been a class A (I keep my equipment on all the time)

my first experience with German gear and so far I really enjoy it, I bought the Symphonic Line BelCanto MK4 CD/DAC player to compete my system….so far so good.

im sure there are many other Amps out there better for the Salon 2 but for me this is it. I have to say that the Salon 2 speakers are extremely picky what you feed them with,tubes just don’t have enough juice to make them sing

Sorry for the long message but I thought I’d like to share it with you so you don’t have to go through what others have tried .

@chayro - Agree. There are some limitations on what the dealer can package but I am considering that option for the same reason you mentioned.

@monoblocknova - Thank you for sharing your experience. It helps quite a bit. My only concern with Symphonic line is their limited availability within United States. Did you buy in USA?   


Circle Labs P300 preamplifer + M200 monoblocks are really nice and fit in your budget. They sound alive in a way that I find elusive in amps that make this sort of power. (600 watts/8 ohms!)

You could try a couple AHB2 in mono mode if you want to go for low distortion. 380 watts at 6 ohms. $6600 for both. I use one to drive a pair of F208s and am pleased with the sound.