Advice for a new analog system

Hello everyone and thank you in advance for your advice.

I have made the decision to venture into the magical world of vinyl.
I was considering a VPI Avenger Direct (round 34K) turntable and CJ or Audio Research phono preamps.
As a cartridge I have in mind the Clearaudio Davinci.
I have been doing some research on Agon and apparently there are a lot of users who don't like VPI and considering the investment in the turntable I imagine there must be many options. 
I prefer the short cut of a single investment for life.
My system is Mc C1100, mc 1.25Kw and Dynaudio Evidence Platinum speakers.

What turntable and system would you recommend, I appreciate your advice.



+1 @jeffseight lol exactly.

The money pit of all money pits is high-end analog turntable playback, an outdated tech with zero chance of true sonic innovation versus digital sources which are only getting started on their innovation curves.

My $30K digital source chain ALREADY sounds almost as good as any of my previous analog setups - even streaming is QUICKLY gaining sonic ground on the local high rez pcm or dsd files on my NAS. 

Having a modest turntable makes sense if you have some LPs, but you should really allocate the bulk of your money for spending big on the FUTURE of hifi playback rather than its past.

For that money, check out the Bergmann turntables.  Modi or Galder models.  They perform superbly.  Several options for cartridges.  Their linear tracking arms are excellent.  Make sure you get a good tube phono preamp.  The combination of a Bergmann and good phono preamp will result in a lifetime of beautiful listening.  You’ll be amazed how good new and old vinyl can sound.

Blah blah blah blah.  +1 on spending $5K, listening for a year or so (while acquiring vinyl), then see where you want to go from there.  Doesn't sound like you have any audiophile friends you want to impress, or you would've turned to them first for advice.

The OP is not a New Driver, still in their Teen Years, wanting to spend 20K+ on their first owned vehicle.

Advice will always be to get a bit of experience under the belt with a Fender Bender/ Older Vehicle.

The OP has obviously found a place where spending a substantial monies is a option, and is not wanting to have a continued experience of Building the Vinyl Source and Ancillaries, there is enough in the kitty to achieve their end game set up between $5K - $65K, where the spend starts and cuts off is the OP's choice, they are adult and know what they would like to achieve.

Gathering a Broader Knowledge before a Spend is no bad thing, and this is seemingly where the OP has placed themselves.    

@fatdaddy2  Yes I have audiophile friends and I have certainly gone to them for advice, I have no need to impress anyone I am just looking for the best system the budget that I have determined can buy. I am convinced that fools learn from their mistakes and wise men learn from experience, (that doesn't mean I won't make mistakes, I just want to minimize the possibility) in that sense the more experience I can learn from others the better, I believe this is one of the main objectives of this forum and I appreciate the time and selflessness of the participants in contributing selflessly in my personal project. @pindac You got it right.