On the one hand, it takes me 45 minutes, 55 seconds to listen to a 45 minute long CD. That’s if the CD has been put away properly in its alphabetical position and I can readily find it. It takes me 51 minutes to listen to a 45 minute long vinyl record. That includes removing the record from its jacket, de-ionizing, cleaning, cueing the tonearm, taking the preamp off mute and jumping into my seat before the music starts. And I hope that I don’t nod off at the end of the playing side of the record just to be jolted out of my slumber by the loud "CER-CHUNK, swap, Car Chunk" when the stylus drops into the holding groove. Even better these days, I can stream for hours with my iPad in my lap never getting up out of my chair. And if I nod off, I wake up to some strange song I have never heard that Roon has selected for me.
So for an old guy like me, digital has its benefits. On the other hand, vinyl still rocks. Nothing better than listening to music while watching the tonearm bob up and down in the warm glow of tubes.