I've stopped tracking hours on the Morrow Audio and also have gone back to my normal routine of turning off my system daily.
I'm home sick today, so have had some hours to spend listening when I wasn't dozing off.
If I have a reference track it's The Traveller on Allan Taylor's album Looking For You. I'd say three things from my listening today:
(1) I can hear some of the secondary guitars/instruments with more clarity.
(2) I can easily distinguish the delicate touch on the guitar strings in a new way.
(3) The deep bass notes have a new level of detail while not losing the overall presence. The lowest sound has become the lowest note with a true guitar sound. I noticed this throughout the entire album and since I love deep bass this is a perfect improvement for my listening tastes.
I also listened to Chris Botti in Boston which I have not done in a long time and between the Denafrips DAC and Morrow Audio cable it's a new world. The drums developed a distinct individual characteristic that made me listen specifically to the drums for the first time. I'm not sure that I like the sound better because it's busy, but I'd say that it's objectively better and closer to the original recording.