Looking for some turntable/tonearm/cartridge guidance

Hoping someone can help me determine if this combo will work or not. I'm trying to complete my new turntable, Michell Gyro SE. I have a Michell TecnoArm 2 on order, but it's been months and I'm not confident it'll even show up anymore. I found a Moerch DP-6 9" Precision Red Tube, with the proper armboard for table. I have a new Hana ML cartridge ready to mount once I get an arm. 
Based off the vinylengine tool, I think I'd be in the 10-11 Hz area (7.5g mass arm, 9.5g cartridge weight). That seems to be correct, but I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with the Moerch arms. Would that arm be an improvement over the TecnoArm, assuming I ever even got it?


@coreyt - take a look at audiomods arms - thay are extremely well made and performance is excellent - probably the last arm you will ever buy


I’ve had my Series III since 2007 and it still amazes me, but the newer audiomods are even better.

Send Jeff at audiomods an email about your setup adn he will probably be able to tailor one to fit

Regards - Steve

@mijostyn I was looking at the RB3000 recently, unfortunately I can't find an armboard for the turntable for Rega. This turntable has been a pain to finish actually. I've had it since August, but there are no Rega armboards anywhere, same with the Michell arms. I have one on order from the US distributor directly, but it's just dragging on and on. I have an SME armboard, but newer SME arms are well out of my price range right now, and the 3009s seem to be not so great based on reviews. Though at this point, "not so great" is better than nothing maybe.

@williewonka I looked into the Series Six a while back, but after emailing they never responded about what kind of armboard I'd need to mount on the Gyro. Googling I haven't found anything. 

I am not familiar with Michell TT s, but what is so special about the arm board that prevents you from finding a machinist who could make one to your specs? It’s probably just a matter of drilling a hole in the right location on a blank arm board.

Also, check spindle to pivot distance for the arm you want to use vs P2S for the available arm boards. You might luck out and find that one of them is actually useable with your chosen tonearm.

@lewm I had a similar thought, but this table is a floating suspension type. The armboard is pretty much just a ring with 3 holes to mount it to the floating plinth. I just have no idea how I would know what needs to be in place for a Rega arm to mount to something. Then the weight is specific too from my understanding of the board. Basically if someone had a diagram of what to make I'd definitely look into finding someone to make one out of wood/metal/acrylic. Nothing comes up when I look though.

@coreyt ​​@lewm has exactly the right idea. I had a close look at your turntable. The Michell arm and the RB3000 are VERY similar. I bet they both have the same spindle to pivot distance which is 222 mm. Making an arm board is child's play if you have the right tools. I assume an arm board came with the turntable? It would help to have one to use as a template. Also you need to check if you can get a blank arm board. Then, all you need to do is drill it. If you need help message me.