My Medium List of Amplifiers and my Personal Review of Each !


NAD C356 BEE - not bad but not as smooth as the Yammies, Caimbridge Audio or Marantz in its range. Sounds strained at volume even with 89db speakers. Relatively unrefined.

Raven Audio Nighthawk (tube) Nice sound, very transparent and refined, powerful beyond its 20 WPC, good value, sound quality is highly dependent on NOS tubes.

Raven Audio Blackhawk. More refined and transparent than the Nighthawk, use with efficient speakers and it could be a forever amp. Super colorful high end sound, again depends on tube choices.

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II

Powerful and dynamic with an atmospheric sound stage. Responds well to NOS small signal tubes, KT 120 power tubes are fantastic. A sound that belies its modest price, beats many more expensive amps.


Cary Audio 200.2. Very powerful and supremely dynamic and transparent amp. Midrange forward but with extended deep bass and highs. Starts and stops on a dime. Treble can be slightly unrefined at the top, midrange can be too forward sounding, best to match with darker speakers.

Rogue Audio Stereo 100. A dynamic powerhouse. Even with the same 100 WPC spec as the Cronus Magnum it sounds much more powerful. Excellent bass slam, very refined when the tubes burn in, even better with NOS small signal tubes. Huge sound stage. Excellent value, lacks the ultimate transparency and refinement of the Cronus Magnum.

Parasound a21+. Super smooth and engaging sound, good bass and refined treble. Definitely not as fast, transparent or dynamic as the Stereo 100.

Pass Labs XA25. A gem of a sweet sounding amplifier. Not as transparent as the reviews lead you to believe but awesome sounding nonetheless. Extreme micro dynamics and instrument separation, lots of contrast between sound levels of various instruments, almost as if each instrument had its own channel and speaker. High degree of refinement. Very good power that goes well beyond its modest rating. Warm yet detailed, this one could be a keeper for anyone with moderate to high sensitivity speakers.

Parasound JC5. Recent acquisition and a really impressive sound. It literally does it all- smoothness, extreme transparency, most transparent amplifier I have heard. Lots of power yet sounds amazing at low volume. Effortless dynamics, sounds flow abruptly at high contrast levels. Best midrange I have heard- no coloration at all. Excellent bass depth and slam, biggest sound stage of any solid state amp I have heard. Dark backgrounds that are noticeable by their silence. Absolutely love it.


Update to the list.

OUT- Pass Labs XA30.8 

IN- Parasound a21+

I tried very hard to keep the Pass XA30.8 but ultimately it had too much net gain for my Cary SLP-05 preamp with 24db.  There were occasional over-driven artifacts in the sound that could not be addressed even with 10db Rothwell XLR attenuators.  

Searching for a replacement amp of ~ 20db gain or with adjustable gain made it somewhat difficult.  I went back to the Parasound a21+ because it has adjustable gain and a smooth sound quite close to the Pass XA25 but with much more power and drive which was what I was after.  

I prefer the sound of the a21+ vs the Parasound JC5 in my system despite being ~ half the price.  The a21+ is more likeable to my ears, the JC5 very competent like a studio amp but not as engaging.  


After letting the Pass Labs XA30.8 settle in and worked in to my system with cable tweaks and other adjustments it was clear what this amplifier was all about compared to the champion Pass XA25. 

First off the XA25 is not as transparent as the reviews would lead you to believe- at least in its year old well run in form.  The XA30.8 is noticeably more transparent and open with more extended treble.  The midrange transparency is literally end game for me.  The XA30.8 also has more power range and less midbass bloom.  Deep bass is also very strong on the more powerful 30.8 

The XA25 is a warm, sweet dynamic amazing sounding amplifier but ultimately a touch too colored in my system.  The XA30.8 is here to stay.  Class A refinement, power, bass control and tube amp transparency and sound stage.   



NAD C356 BEE - not bad but not as smooth as the Yammies, Cambridge Audio or Marantz in its range. Sounds strained at volume even with 89db speakers. Relatively unrefined.

Raven Audio Nighthawk (tube) Nice sound, very transparent and refined, powerful beyond its 20 WPC, good value, sound quality is highly dependent on NOS tubes.

Raven Audio Blackhawk. More refined and transparent than the Nighthawk, use with efficient speakers and it could be a forever amp. Super colorful high end sound, again depends on tube choices.

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II

Powerful and dynamic with an atmospheric sound stage. Responds well to NOS small signal tubes, KT 120 power tubes are fantastic. A sound that belies its modest price, beats many more expensive amps.


Cary Audio 200.2. Very powerful and supremely dynamic and transparent amp. Midrange forward but with extended deep bass and highs. Starts and stops on a dime. Treble can be slightly unrefined at the top, midrange can be too forward sounding, best to match with darker speakers.

Rogue Audio Stereo 100. A dynamic powerhouse. Even with the same 100 WPC spec as the Cronus Magnum it sounds much more powerful. Excellent bass slam, very refined when the tubes burn in, even better with NOS small signal tubes. Huge sound stage. Excellent value, lacks the ultimate transparency and refinement of the Cronus Magnum.

Parasound a21+. Super smooth and engaging sound, good bass and refined treble. Definitely not as fast, transparent or dynamic as the Stereo 100.

Pass Labs XA25. A gem of a sweet sounding amplifier. Not as transparent as the reviews lead you to believe but awesome sounding nonetheless. Extreme micro dynamics and instrument separation, lots of contrast between sound levels of various instruments, almost as if each instrument had its own channel and speaker. High degree of refinement. Very good power that goes well beyond its modest rating. Warm yet detailed, this one could be a keeper for anyone with moderate to high sensitivity speakers.

Parasound JC5. Recent acquisition and a really impressive sound. It literally does it all- smoothness, extreme transparency, most transparent amplifier I have heard. Lots of power yet sounds amazing at low volume. Effortless dynamics, sounds flow abruptly at high contrast levels. Best midrange I have heard- no coloration at all. Excellent bass depth and slam, biggest sound stage of any solid state amp I have heard. Dark backgrounds that are noticeable by their silence. Absolutely love it.

Benchmark AHB2 (Single and Dual).  Obviously the reputation this amplifier has is nothing short of stellar so I had to give them a go.  Not quite as refined as my reigning champ the Pass Labs XA25.  Excellent power and bass.  Dynamics were the deal breaker and not in they way you might think- they were too dynamic, hyper dynamic actually, even using a single amp.  They sounded loud even at low volume levels which is hard to describe in words.  Also too forward sounding in the midrange.  Ultimately I had to move on.  

I will follow with interest. I like the medium price ranges. I had the X25 for a spell and liked it very much.

Post removed 

Amplifier Update-

out Parasound A21+,

In Orchard Audio Starkrimson (review) and

McIntosh MC312.

[Supporting system- Cary SLP-05 Preamp, Spendor D7.2 Speakers)]

The Parasound A21+ was a revert back to decent, powerful sound after the failed Pass Labs XA30.8 attempt. Although very nice, ultimately it lacked the refinement and dynamics of some of the best I have heard.  Note that this second go round with the A21+ is with newer, more revealing speakers.  

The GaN FET Orchard Audio Starkrimson was a pleasant surprise. Weighing less than the Mcintosh shipping carton, the diminutive 350WPC power amplifier had more than enough gusto to provide first class dynamics, bass and unfettered loudness. An even keel neutral tone (no warmth) was pleasantly keen and smooth yet it lacked the midrange bloom and transparency that I prefer. Now for the good parts. The obvious quickness in the way the Orchard Audio amp kept pace with the music was incredible to hear. On complex jazz fusion tracks, the percussion and bass drum beats were unrelenting in their ferocity. There was definition in the notes that I didn’t know existed, seemingly upping the basic time signature of the score. Amazing ! Refinement was very good, a smooth sounding amp from top to bottom and the sound stage was sufficiently large and enjoyable. A very good amp for its size.

McIntosh MC312

Throw your preconceived notions about McIntosh sound out the window. There is simply nothing boring, syrupy, veiled or rolled off about the sound of this latest generation McIntosh power amplifier.

It does have a subtle sweetness to the sound in the form of a bit of extra midbass and highly refined, pristine sweet sounding treble but that is where it ends.

The midrange is in full bloom and sounds incredible. Best sounding amplifier for piano, female vocals and electric guitar I have owned. The smooth presence in piano notes is extraordinary. A joy to witness. Deep bass is a bit less than some other amps, namely the Parasound JC5, but the authority and attack is still heard and felt. Refinement is top notch once you find the proper ohm tap for your speakers, some experimentation was needed.

Dynamics are exceptional, the speed and authority are at which notes are executed is notable.

Besides the exceptional midrange and overall slight sweetness of the presentation, the other exceptional attribute is separation of musical elements. For example during an instrumental track a bass and percussion rhythm section are playing kind of row 3 in the background and all of a sudden this fast paced acoustic guitar leaps out of the left channel with an extraordinary presence, speed and separation, as if it had its own speaker and amplifier channel. It was clearly distinct from the body of the music in both position and at a much higher volume level, what I pictured was a live performance it was so clearly and distinctly present. Just incredible. Do I love the sound of this amplifier? You bet.

Any negatives? It is a heavy beast and it took 5 trips to the attic to store the shipping and packaging.



After letting the Pass Labs XA30.8 settle in and worked in to my system with cable tweaks and other adjustments it was clear what this amplifier was all about compared to the champion Pass XA25.

First off the XA25 is not as transparent as the reviews would lead you to believe- at least in its year old well run in form. The XA30.8 is noticeably more transparent and open with more extended treble. The midrange transparency is literally end game for me. The XA30.8 also has more power range and less midbass bloom. Deep bass is also very strong on the more powerful 30.8

The XA25 is a warm, sweet dynamic amazing sounding amplifier but ultimately a touch too colored in my system. The XA30.8 is here to stay. Class A refinement, power, bass control and tube amp transparency and sound stage.



NAD C356 BEE - not bad but not as smooth as the Yammies, Cambridge Audio or Marantz in its range. Sounds strained at volume even with 89db speakers. Relatively unrefined.

Raven Audio Nighthawk (tube) Nice sound, very transparent and refined, powerful beyond its 20 WPC, good value, sound quality is highly dependent on NOS tubes.

Raven Audio Blackhawk. More refined and transparent than the Nighthawk, use with efficient speakers and it could be a forever amp. Super colorful high end sound, again depends on tube choices.

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II

Powerful and dynamic with an atmospheric sound stage. Responds well to NOS small signal tubes, KT 120 power tubes are fantastic. A sound that belies its modest price, beats many more expensive amps.


Cary Audio 200.2. Very powerful and supremely dynamic and transparent amp. Midrange forward but with extended deep bass and highs. Starts and stops on a dime. Treble can be slightly unrefined at the top, midrange can be too forward sounding, best to match with darker speakers.

Rogue Audio Stereo 100. A dynamic powerhouse. Even with the same 100 WPC spec as the Cronus Magnum it sounds much more powerful. Excellent bass slam, very refined when the tubes burn in, even better with NOS small signal tubes. Huge sound stage. Excellent value, lacks the ultimate transparency and refinement of the Cronus Magnum.

Parasound a21+. Super smooth and engaging sound, good bass and refined treble. Definitely not as fast, transparent or dynamic as the Stereo 100.

Pass Labs XA25. A gem of a sweet sounding amplifier. Not as transparent as the reviews lead you to believe but awesome sounding nonetheless. Extreme micro dynamics and instrument separation, lots of contrast between sound levels of various instruments, almost as if each instrument had its own channel and speaker. High degree of refinement. Very good power that goes well beyond its modest rating. Warm yet detailed, this one could be a keeper for anyone with moderate to high sensitivity speakers.

Parasound JC5. Recent acquisition and a really impressive sound. It literally does it all- smoothness, extreme transparency, most transparent amplifier I have heard. Lots of power yet sounds amazing at low volume. Effortless dynamics, sounds flow abruptly at high contrast levels. Best midrange I have heard- no coloration at all. Excellent bass depth and slam, biggest sound stage of any solid state amp I have heard. Dark backgrounds that are noticeable by their silence. Absolutely love it.

Benchmark AHB2 (Single and Dual). Obviously the reputation this amplifier has is nothing short of stellar so I had to give them a go. Not quite as refined as my reigning champ the Pass Labs XA25. Excellent power and bass. Dynamics were the deal breaker and not in they way you might think- they were too dynamic, hyper dynamic actually, even using a single amp. They sounded loud even at low volume levels which is hard to describe in words. Also too forward sounding in the midrange. Ultimately I had to move on.

OUT- Pass Labs XA30.8

IN- Parasound a21+

I tried very hard to keep the Pass XA30.8 but ultimately it had too much net gain for my Cary SLP-05 preamp with 24db. There were occasional over-driven artifacts in the sound that could not be addressed even with 10db Rothwell XLR attenuators.

Searching for a replacement amp of ~ 20db gain or with adjustable gain made it somewhat difficult. I went back to the Parasound a21+ because it has adjustable gain and a smooth sound quite close to the Pass XA25 but with much more power and drive which was what I was after.

I prefer the sound of the a21+ vs the Parasound JC5 in my system despite being ~ half the price. The a21+ is more likeable to my ears, the JC5 very competent like a studio amp but not as engaging.

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