Most Reliable CDPs?

I have for some time been searching for a CDP (2-4K used), and have been quite struck, in reading the forums here, how many players, including top makes, are said to exhibit reliability problems. I realize some of this may be inevitable, given the technology, but are there players out there known for being trouble free? (My first player, an early Sony purchased from a dumpster, never glitched.)


North Creek Eskas
Stratos Dual Mono
Marsh 2000b
Jolida 100
I second Wwshull's recommendation -- besides being an excellent player -- Esoterics' have very, very good transports.
Esoterics are extremely well made and very reliable. However, they sometimes can be noisy, exhibiting varying amounts depending on the CD being played. If this kind of thing bothers you, then make sure you listen carfully to the particular unit you may be interested in buying.
i have heard several esoteric units from there very top of the line down to the sa-10 none of them have been noisy. dont know where you are getting your info from but i have never heard a noisy unit or nobody i know that owns one is noisy
Bigbucks5, Can you elaborate on the Esoterics being noisy? Is this a mechanical noise from the player or noisey from the sense that it is be conveyed as the output of the unit and through the speakers?
Top loaders obviate having to deal with failure of the drawer mechanism. Optical pickups (laser assembly) are not terribly costly to replace and have an average lifespan measured in tens of thousands of hours.

I've not owned a top loading player so don't know what choices are available in your price range.