Most Reliable CDPs?

I have for some time been searching for a CDP (2-4K used), and have been quite struck, in reading the forums here, how many players, including top makes, are said to exhibit reliability problems. I realize some of this may be inevitable, given the technology, but are there players out there known for being trouble free? (My first player, an early Sony purchased from a dumpster, never glitched.)


North Creek Eskas
Stratos Dual Mono
Marsh 2000b
Jolida 100
Take a look at a used Wadia 850 with a mod from Great Northern Sound Co. Reliable and probably the best performance in that price range. I've heard the Esoterics and while they're good they're not in the same class.
Bigbucks, thanks for your clarification, sorry been on vacation so this is a delayed thanks. Nonetheless, I appreciate your reply.
My Pioneer Elite pd-65 has lasted 15 years without a problem. And it is the piece that has stayed in my system ever since it was introduced. It sounds as good, if not better than a lot of players out there today.