Maybe too detailed

Just purchased CEC TL51X transport to replace CAL Audio Icon used as transport which broke. Expected nothing new--bits are bits, right? For some reason, everything is more detailed, but almost too much, bordering on "digititus." Some recordings are not enjoyable because every flaw is exposed and highlighted. The sound was hardly lush before, but its detail was not off-putting. The D to A converter is a Tact 2.2XP which is essential for my awful room. Amp is BAT VK60, which you would think would ameliorate any harshness. What's the amswer . . . a tube preamp after the Tact to control volume and soften things up? Your thoughts appreciated.
So get this--I just put my old Placette passive volume control back in (instead of using digital volume control on Tact 2.2XP) and it took enough of the edge off to make things enjoyable again. Still incredibly detailed and transparent. Would still like things a little warmer, but it's at least a temporary fix.
There is no such thing as too much detail. That's like saying there's too much darkness in the night.

Since you did not list most of your system inventory you are probably experiencing the results of a system exhibiting more detail but not utilizing proper line conditioning and especially not utilizing proper vibration management.

For if you had these two elements properly addressed you most likely would have known their foundational significance and would have listed them in your original post to let the reader know those areas are probably not a potential issue. Or perhaps you would not have posted at all.

You may well also be describing the affects of much time-smear in your ics and scs and/or perhaps inferior speakers/tweeters.

Moreover, if your system is generally weak in the lower frequencies, then such an unbalanced presentation can give the perception that there is too much detail or the highs are too bright. Combine that with the other potential weaknesses listed above.

But based on what little you provided I would guess it's potentially a combination of your entire system minus the amp.

That should help narrow things down a bit. :)

But the fact that you claim there could be 'too much' detail tells me that at least you're on the right track because the real magic is buried in the detail. Now you just need to clean it up.

So rather than squash that potentially newfound detail (even though it may be fatiguing at the moment), start experimenting with some high-end line conditioners (stay away from the most popular brand), try some different ics and scs (stay away from silver at least for now), and see if you can turn that potentially overly bright detail into something really musical.

Is it a psycho-acoustics thing that a revealing system SHOULD be edgy sounding? I think it should be both revealing AND warm/organic sounding like in real life. This combination could only be had by using some "musical" sounding electronics, mainly power amp. But as I mentioned earlier those power amps are very very expensive (FM Acoustics/Soulution/Boulder/LAMM/Ayre).

You know Stenho, your advice about cleaning up detail through vibration control might be a factor. I remember how I experienced a similar situation to Lavoy after I upgraded preamps. I thought the new preamp was too detailed and my system was causing me listening fatique. I started experimenting with new footers and supports and found that after I installled DH Labs Golden Sound footers under my power amp, the systems sound got even more detailed. However, the edge and glare were gone and the fatique factor disappeared.
If you think the Tact might be to blame, consider the Behringer 24/96 equalizer. It's less than $300, and very transparent