Maybe too detailed

Just purchased CEC TL51X transport to replace CAL Audio Icon used as transport which broke. Expected nothing new--bits are bits, right? For some reason, everything is more detailed, but almost too much, bordering on "digititus." Some recordings are not enjoyable because every flaw is exposed and highlighted. The sound was hardly lush before, but its detail was not off-putting. The D to A converter is a Tact 2.2XP which is essential for my awful room. Amp is BAT VK60, which you would think would ameliorate any harshness. What's the amswer . . . a tube preamp after the Tact to control volume and soften things up? Your thoughts appreciated.
It's important to realize that almost all stock gear has some sibilance and harshness, some more than others. Particularly bad on solid-state gear. Tube gear can be more forgiving because its simpler, but you can sacrifice HF extension and end-up with flabby bass if you are not picky there.

Steve N.
Dazzdx, you are correct as to how it should sound. But as I'm sure you know there are a handful of bottlenecks present in every last system ie dirty AC from the street, uncontrolled vibrations, tweeters that flatten out or break up under stress, having enough juice for the amps, ics and scs loaded with time time-smear, etc., etc.. And that does not even include inferior components, component synergy, room acoustics, etc..

So if some potential detail rears its ugly head out of sequence or too prematurely in the evolutionary process, then the first thing we want to do is call it evil and squash it rather than nurture it.

Audioengr, I have to disagree with your statement that all stock gear have some sibilance and harshness.

On the other hand, if one were to say all electronic components are susceptible to and affected by dirty AC and uncontrolled resonance energy and just a couple of the effects include negative sibilance and harshness then I think that would be much more accurate.

I don't think this is splitting hairs. Rather, I think it has everything to do with determining the root cause and if we don't know what the root cause is then the chances are pretty good that we'll never properly address it and move forward.

What frequency response curve are you using with your Tact?
Try programming a different curve to soften the top end and see what you think.