room size question.

( wasnt sure what category to put this in ,so figured this one would get more views)


in watching some you tube videos, one from Jays audio lab, and another one from Paul ( ps audio ), they both mention how the speakers should be set up in the room and it seems they bring them out into the room quite a bit.    they say that when this happens, you have the soundstage and jay was mentioning that there are layers that one gets to hear when listening.

my question i guess is that can this same thing happen in a smaller room, say 12x12 or is one just limited to say center imaging due to room size ?

room is treated


this is the ps audio video

jays video




 I'm in a 16.5 x 32' foot room using the front half for music.

which is a lot bigger than the room i have , which is 11 x 12.        




speakers are facing straight.   i did try toe in when i was setting things up a year ago in this room and tried it again just a little while ago.       didnt care to much for that.              

ears from back wall are maybe 6-8 inches

Post removed 


I would suggest measuring from the center of the front of the speaker for side wall and listening distance , to the back of the speaker is ok for the front wall .

Try moving the speakers so that you have 36" from the side wall to the center of the speaker and see if you like the sound ,  you really don't have much room for moving away from the front wall , have you tried moving the speakers closer to the front wall with 30" being the closest before the bass becomes boomy and don't worry about having an equilateral triangle .  

After trying all this , maybe acoustic pannels ( diffusers-diffracters , not absorbers )

on the side walls .

you may also try the distance between your speakers , be 83% of the distance between you and the speakers.

Virtual system about your room could help.

GIK Acoustic gives free advices according to your room’s measurement

I don't want to assume what you are thinking, but so far:

you tried everything with speaker placement and seating position and volumes

room is treated

it's a decent size room

it should produce a soundstage

your layers are either not produced or something "eats" them.   

you think it's your room size. I think it's synergy and I assume it's the lack of, between the speakers and the room. (and I hope this will be the lamest, most useless comment you will get today)