Klipsch Cornwall III

Can anyone point me to any dealer in the country who has Cornwall III, LaScala II, in the store for audition? All I can find are custom AV guys who simply spec stuff. Looking to put together a fun/loud system when I feel like straying from my Harbeth M40.1.

I can believe that. Harbeth's are some of the most overrated and overpriced speakers out there. Followed closely by the Spendor SP100s.
Go the thrift shop route. You can also find these speakers in antique shops as well.
You wouldn't find any Cornwall 3's in thrift shops, that's the current production model, if they are indeed still making them - I believe the company was sold a few years back and is concentrating more on their home theater stuff now. You might see some Cornwall 1's or 2's, though. Fantastic speakers, I use a pair of Cornwall 2's myself.