I replaced an Innuos Zenith Mk3 (Amplifi-Network Acoustics Rubicon Switch-Network Acoustics Muon system-Innuos; Innuos-FTA Sinope-Totaldac D1-Tube-Mk3) with a Grimm Audio MU1 (Amplifi-Rubico-Muon-Grimm-Shunyata Sigma v2 AES-Totaldac).
The Grimm is mind-boggling good. Exceptional in fact. I find the Network Acoustics peripherals are unnecessary with the Grimm but heck, I already own them so they are in the chain. The above commenter who says the Grimm is more suited to classical or acoustic music may be unintentionally biased toward his Aurender setup. That’s all fine but I’m afraid I’ve experienced Aurender and Grimm before making the purchase and I made my decision to go with the Grimm. Its also important to point out that I set out to just upgrade to the Innuos Statement following the introduction of the new Innuos power supply improvement intro but was encouraged by the dealer to consider the Grimm. He handles both. It just sounds like music when you play music… regardless of genre.
Like many of us here on Audiogon, we just keep listening to and demoing gear and when we find something that outperforms what we have we switch. I did purchase the Grimm and have no regrets. Unlike many here on Audiogon, I don’t need or seek confirmation bias or approval from the community at large to validate a purchase. Go listen to Aurender, to Grimm or Taiko or whatever. At this level its about what you prefer and then buy the one you like, not the one liked by me or anyone else. I can say that whatever is going on inside the Grimm is very, very good. Good luck.