Wadia 22 Transport - anybody know anything?

I've scoured the internet but can't find much out about this transport. I am thinking of buying a used one locally, but I have no idea what it's worth, plus the age (1994 I believe) leads me to believe it might be a little before cd players went to 24/96. I'm no expert in this stuff, but I don't want to buy something that's not good. Right now I have a krell kav 300cd and think it's great - the Wadia would get hooked up to a second system with a ksa 50s and krell studio 2 dac. Any input anyone could offer would be much appreciated.
One thing to consider is that if the transport goes you will have a boat anchor on your hands. There are no parts available to repair that transport. I second the suggestion to speak with Steve Huntley.
Thanks - I will follow your suggestions. It's just such a cool looking piece and it is currently working fine, but I don't want to shell out cash for something that can't be fixed.
I emailed with Steve Huntley who was super helpful. He told me it was a good transport but the pioneer stable platter mechanism is no longer in production so they don't support the 22 and can't do repairs on it. Thanks to everyone for the advice.
I wonder if Steve would install an NOS Pioneer mechanism if you located one?
Wadia took forever getting back to me on my questions, but when they did they said that they do indeed still service the 22.