New Project RS2T transport

I have had one already and sent it back, did not work at all upon receipt. Dealing with the Music Room though is a pleasure. Will always do business with them. Had unit replaced with a new one, just arrived Yesterday, Sunday afternoon 7-25-22. Hooked it up and SAID WOW!!! I have a Meitner MA-1 DAC and the synergy is Fabulous. Right out of the box it sounded, GREAT. So very OPEN. I have been blessed when upgrading several pieces to be totally surprised by the improvements. VERY Audible!

I am somewhat concerned though as there have been a great deal of posts about quality control issues. (see first sentence)  As I said unit sounds GREAT, very impressed. HOWEVER, if anyone can comment that owns one, I noticed when placing the little magnetic puck on the disc that it just sits atop the center spindle and does not contact disc. The magnetic puck has a female center on the underside that goes over a very small  male metal protrusion. (SPINDLE)   I would think that it should go over that spindle totally and meet the disc firmly. (no space between disc and puck??? When I place puck on top of CD, It appears that the machining on the underside of the hole should be a MM wider so it doesn't sit atop the spindle and drops down totally on the disc. Hope this makes sense. Thanks Robert TN    Ps would like to thank Charles1 DAD  for encouraging me to stick with transport. It is that GOOD!!!   Just wondering if they all are designed to do what I am experiencing?


Very simple repair of the puck. I used very fine steel wool to smooth out any slight burrs. 

lpretiring is spot on. It doesn't take much. You may not even feel or see the burr or imperfection.  BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, IT JUST SNAPS IN PLACE. Enjoy   EYE OPENING!!!!


Just to go off topic briefly. Did you follow up further on acquiring the Coincident Frankenstein Stereo 300b SET?



Yes, I did. 

I was a little surprised how much Israel was promoting the mono's which gave me pause for concern. Mono's due to some set-up complications is something I had decided against.

I've been following a couple of recent amplifier threads trying to understand the synergy between my Truth line stage, 4 ohm Tekton Double Impacts and various stereo tube amps. More information or maybe just a review with better understanding will make my decision easier.

The use of a less desirable driver in the stereo Frankenstein compared to the mono's along with the possibility that the power of a push pull amp might be a benefit with 4 Ohm Tektons, and no way to audition the stereo Frankenstein has me evaluating other tube amps.


I understand that thought process. Not being able to audition the amplifier is a disadvantage. I can see the desire to pursue push pull tube amplifiers. A friend of mine had the Tekton Double Impact speakers. They were driven pretty easily by my Frankenstein mono blocks. I don’t know how different the stereo Frankenstein is with regard to capability and sound quality.

Best wishes to you.
