"Old" vs. "new" digital equipment

Some recent posts about how far digital has come have got me thinking. I have a Theta DS Pro Gen III dac fed by a CEC TL5100Z as a transport. (The rest of the system is ARC LS2B Mk II into ARC VT-100 Mk II into Vandy 3a Sigs and 2WQ sub.)

I wonder what improvements I might hear if I were to go to a newer dac or newer cdp. In my current system, I hear grain when I listen to massed strings, some congestion on orchestral peaks, but otherwise most generally like what I hear.

Would newer digital stuff mitigate or eliminate these issues?

If I were to upgrade, where might I head next?

More generally, can anyone characterize the differences between my "old" Theta and newer digital equipment?


Ag insider logo xs@2xbikecommuter
“OLD” vs “NEW and “LOW” vs “HIGH”
Here’s a point of view from a low end user.
YBA Lecteur CD 3 Alpha (old but a bit high)
Minimax tube pre-amp
Exposure SS amp
Nordost SPM interconnect and speaker cables

When I trying to get a new CDP to feel the different between “old” vs “new” and “SS” vs “tube” technology, I got myself a MHZS 66 Chinese tube CDP (new but a bit low). Why chose MHZS*, it’s almost in same price range with old YBA for tube CDP. *3 difficult setting for up-sampling.

The new MHZS 66, gave me a very bright, detail and clear sound image during entire classical orchestral. Not just strings, everything is so clear divided--left and right, front and back. But, to me, it’s too detail and clear and doesn’t have the tube’s warmness. I lost the feeling to enjoy this new CDP. Maybe lost the feeling of the analog sounding?

So I got no choice to switch back to my YBA. It’s an old school CDP. Not as clear divided out the mass strings that you were talking about, but its warm and bit more analog sounding.

To me, vintage or “old” is always better then “new”

So......I decided to audition my first LP. It’s a very basic turntable, plug and play.
Music Hall MMF 2 (new and low), Marantz 2010B (old and low) and Nordost Red Dawn II speaker cables (mid)
I love it so much and I haven’t turn on my YBA for a period of time.

Enjoy the music
Eweedhome, And I thought I was bad. It is nuts! That's why for music (just listening and not being critical) I love my old 20 bit Sony XA7es. I've noticed a good many old 20 bit players have a nice warm, more analogue sound than 24 bit players. Most 24 bit newer players seem to be a touch strident overall which I personally think is just a by-product of the median. I can give up some transparency for a richer overall sound.
The one thing to me that divides the players is sounstaging, both height, width and depth. This is where some of the pricier players live. Of course, your speakers must be up to offering this depth. Not just in the middle between the speakers but behind and even depth outside the speakers. Some speakers offer up an inverted "V" type of soundstaging depth with the max in the middle. I like a speaker that delivers more of a square where it's the same from side to side. This will let you know about cd players. David's system above is perfectly capable of this. I would also mention your room acoustics. I know for a fact the Vandersteen's David uses will offer up more than enough depth for a realistic soundstage. Some of your edginess in the strings may be reflections in the room.
I've been listening to the Theta DS Pro Va for roughly 3 hours comparing it to the BC3. Very tough here ...I detect no grain what so ever from the Theta. It is one musical Dac for sure. It never sounds harsh or vague too me.

It has more gain than the BC3, so it is tricky getting the proper volume between the two. As far as resolution goes there's no clear winner. The Theta may be a tad warmer in sound, but not enough to distract or make the music any less enjoyable. This Dac is easy to listen too..it just flows.

By the same token the BC3 may sound a little cooler in comparison. Again this is nitpicking.

I used a Promitheus TVC preamp with both units. I prefer to use my BC3 by itself. I wish this Theta model had a built in preamp. I'm sure a separate preamp would be unnecessary for it if it did.. at least in my system.

So the bottom line is, if I were you Bikecommuter, I would either have the unit upgraded depending on cost if possible or just buy a newer version. The Theta Va is a terrific Dac! Unless you're hunting for super high sampling and bit rates other than whats currently available on the market. Once you get to this level of sound..spending more is basically pissing in the wind IMO.

If you're hearing grain something is wrong with your current Dac or another component or it is just bad recordings.

Off topic, after running back and forth from the player to change CDs...I've come to the conclusion..I'll stick with the PC server as a transport. lol
This is way more work than I've become accustom too! ;-)

Good listening!
Bikecommuter, unfortunately the problem with massed strings lies with the speakers as well. While the vandy 3a sigs are great in so many ways there are speakers that handle strings quite a bit better.
Everyone is entitled to there opinion but after owning the 3A Signatures for years and comparing them to speaker after speaker, I can say without a doubt, they are one of the better speakers available at any price for reproducing mass strings (realistically.)In fact, this is one of the time and phase designs biggest attribute.