Anyone with experience mating a Kuzma 4Point 9 tonearm to a SME 15 turntable ?

Currently listening by way of an original Avid Volvere/SME IV/Air Tight PC1s.

Have on hand a Zyx Universe III &/or a Benz Micro LPS for the Kuzma/SME combo.

Not sure if this is an upgrade or just a lateral move. Either way objective is to have 2 TTs in system.

Your insights are welcome & thanks in advance.



I have a client that wanted the direct drive STST Motus IIDQ { smart man :)} which I represent however he already had a 4pt14 which is a whopping ~ 2kg. We went with the unsuspended Motus DQ as a result. Sounds fantastic. Anyway that’s why it crossed my mind for you to check compatibility...

If you are set on another belt drive I think @dover gave an excellent suggestion.

Do want to have ’a different flavor’ with your second table or just ’ better ’ or?

I'm in agreement with @dover the Stabi R with a 4point9 is awesome it will be my next setup. Have heard it many times at my local dealer and so very close to the 4POINT 11" BUT and if you ever have a chance you should hear the new Safir arm by Kuzma. Yes tonearms all sound different but the Safir sounds like no other tonearm I've ever heard. Unfortunately it's out of my price range as I'm sure for most others as well. 

Thanks for the input. 

I'm sure the Kuzma combo is fantastic but I already have the SME 15 & am looking for a different arm to experiment with since I already have a IV on the Avid Volvere and the design of the 4P9 intrigues me.

Reason for 2nd. table is to have a disc ready to spin when the one on the other is over & a different flavor would be interesting to compare. 

The Safir looks awesome but like the SAT and other components of late, outrageously priced and out of my league.



Since you already have the SME 15, I suggest you put a test weight of 920g ( the mass of the 4point9 ) on the armboard to see if you can balance the turntable - if you can then the 4point9 is an excellent arm and you are good to go.

both the Safir and the 4 point are superb….. Good luck - just balancing is not spring resonance and spring longevity optimization…. a trial balance is good starting advice…..