I haven’t gotten around to listening to Rattle yet. The reviews have been mixed, with the British Critics offering their predictable raves and elsewhere some dissent. The newer Sibelius that I have been comparing is Makela vs Rouvali.
Berglund did 3 sets. I have the first, from Bournemouth. They are very different, especially the chamber set.
Sibelius Third is one of my favorites. It sounds like he is trying to absorb Bruckner and discard the Tchaikovsky. The Forth is fascinating as he was fighting cancer and does have that looking-into-the-abyss feel to it, while the Fifth seems to breathe a soy of relief. The Sixth is the hardest nut to crack for me. It’s his Pastorale, where a trip into the woods of the North Woods and Lakes is filled with luminescent beauty, whereas in the Seventh and Tapiola the Norse Gods seem to be plotting to use those same forests for malevolent ends