Anyone own an AudioDharma cable cooker?

I've often wondered about this "machine" from Audio Excellence AZ and whether it is effective in improving sonic character of cables?

How long do you leave cables on the cable cooker? Are there significant time differences for PCs, SCs, ICs, silver, copper, etc.? Does the unit come with detailed instructions and guidelines?
The differences between cooked and uncooked cables are quite noticeable, much cleaner/open and involving. I've heard drastic changes on PCs that I've had in use for 2+ years.
I own one but it seems at 24 hours any cable sounds thinner and brighter. When I do a music burn-in at 24 hours, the cables sound better. Does not make much sense, I know.

It'll take 72 hrs after cooking for the cable to settle into your system and that's when you'll hear the benefits of cooking. Happy listening...
From my experience with Audioquest, Morrow, Acoustic Zen, and Synergistic Research cables, the AudioDharma Cable Conditioner will fully "open up " cables that have been in a system for hundreds of hours. I really think the Audio Dharma Conditioner is a manditory piece of equipment for serious audiophiles.