Audio Research Source - CD3 mkII, CD5

I noticed on the website the CD3 mkII as "discontinued" in 2008, but nothing about this is shown on the ARC website. The website also shows a new CD5 as starting production in 2008, but again nothing on the ARC website - though the ARC website is hardly an up-to-date source for information.

If the CD3 mkII is to be dropped, that would indeed leave a hole in the "notch-below-reference-class" offering for a digital source.

Has anyone heard any rumors regarding ARC source components?
At the Montreal HiFi show, I was told by the Montreal dealer that the new CD5 will be launched in Canada in May 2008 at the price approx 500$ higher than CD3 mkII
A related note.Audio Research was acquired recently by Quadrivio SGR an Italian company who also owns Sonus Faber.
will the 5 be a top loader as well?
and yes, indeed it is hard to imagine that a CD5 will be a big step up from CD3MkII. I doubt there were any major advancements in digital since the introduction of the MkII version of CD3. But we shall wait and find out!
The CD3mkII is discontinued. The CD5 is just coming out now. Yes it will have the same top loading transport as the CD3mkII and CD7.

The new CD5 is more of a clone of the REF CD7 but uses FETs in place of vacuum tubes. Remember, the CD3 was designed over 7 years ago and the mkII did not make any major design changes but benefited from resonance control through extensive strategic damping and some parts upgrades. The REF CD7 was a completely new design based upon the REF3. This resulted in dramatic sonic improvements over the CD3mkII. The CD5 should much more closely resemble the performance of the REF CD7 only with a solid state twist.

I think its also important to remember that the digital portions of these pieces are basically the same. It's the power supply and analog circuitry that makes all of the difference.

I am an ARC dealer.
When I ordered my CD7 from Audio Research I was told of their new CD5. It will be replacing the CD3 mk II at a slight increase in price but the their CD7 will still be their Top Dog.
My new new CD7 should be here in about 2 weeks, requested that the serial number end with the number 8. Looking forward to new piece. Been playing music through the Transporter due to the fact that I sold my Sony SCD-1.