AES/EBU vs XLR cables for digital connection

I did look to see if this issue was addressed in earlier discussions but couldn't find any specific information, so here's the story: I've ordered a Sonnet Hermes streamer to complement my Sonnet Morpheus DAC, and since the DAC doesn't have the I2S port (it's USB instead, though I understand I can change this if I want to), the best available connection will be via AES/EBU. I already have a pretty good XLR cable (Clarus Aqua) which I previously used for analog connection but I'm wondering if there's any advantage to using a true 110-ohm AES/EBU cable or if the standard XLR (the impedance of which I don't actually know) will work just as well. Have any of you done an A/B comparison between these two types of cable? Opinions are welcome. Thanks.


Designsfx, thanks for your response. I did consider switching to Volumino despite the hoops you have to jump through to get the Hermes to recognize that platform, but for the moment I'm kind of stuck with Roon for the next year, as that's how my subscription is structured. Probably not the smartest decision I ever made...


See thread attachment for comments on Volumino- maybe you’re better off where you are-


My Dell laptop (dedicated for streaming only) was super-tricked out with all the bells & whistles. A lot of time, effort & expense went into it. I mean a lot!

When I finally compared it to a dedicated mid-priced streamer, the laptop was quickly dispatched to the closet. Not even close. The SQ from the dedicated streamer was far superior.

_ _ _ _ _

Perhaps, the routing through the TV sounds better because the optical cable is mitigating some noise. Still, not ideal.

Another update: having put some time into listening with the AES/EBU cable, I thought I might experience a significant improvement if I went to the trouble of switching out the USB port in the Morpheus for an I2S module. They’re not very expensive and it’s fairly easy to make the change, which I did myself despite not being any kind of electrical expert. After wiring the Morpheus to the Hermes via ethernet cable (a very pedestrian one I had on hand), I did get some encouraging results. Bass and midrange presentation improved markedly, as did the stereo image, but the upper mids and high frequencies are still quite shrill and glassy. I really don’t know where the weak link is here. I’m using a Topping A90 headphone amp and a pair of LSA HP2 headphones. The Roon/Qobuz inerface is accessed from my Dell XPS laptop via ethernet cable.

I’m certainly open to further opinions and suggestions. Thanks.