Looking for a CD player with more life
I'm currently running a Meridian 506.24, which has a very nice, relaxed sound with a big soundstage and just a nice "big" sound. However, I never want to listen to it these days because I'm looking for liveliness, which is not a forte of the Meridian.
So what I'm looking for now is a new, or used, CDP under $2K (closer to $1500 is better) that will give me a lively, punchy sound that is musical and detailed. I'm not looking to better my vinyl rig, nor to get a particularly analog sound - the record player is there for that. I'm looking for liveliness, a big, open soundstage (it's important to me to maintain a good depth of soundstage, but the width can be compromised to save some bucks) and better resolution than my current CDP, and to just want to put on a CD and have fun listening to it.
What I'm considering so far...
Cary 303/300
Simaudio CD1/Equinox/CD5.3 (to match with my I5)
Ayre CX-7e
Naim CD5/5i/5X
Is a newer, lower-end CD player as good as a previous generation, one step up player? I hesitate, for example, looking at a Sim Equinox or Nova compared with a current Equinox SE or CD1...Also, anything else that I should consider that would meet my sonic/musical goals?
Any advice is appreciated!