Lisa Marie Presley has passed away.



She was just at the Golden Globes 2 days earlier.

Enjoy the time you have folks!

RIP Lisa Marie.

E’s father also died of a heart attack (and/or broken heart) after Elvis passed. Didn’t make it more than two years (1979)

Also Elvis mother passed at 54 (same age as Lisa Marie) not at 46…also heart related.

Clearly heart disease was prevalent in the family.
Heredity can be a b#*ch…

Remember that she was a druggie for a long time. For all we know, she might have still had a drug problem.

And struggling with obesity, so compounding issues for sure…

but the unfortunate bottom line-

“RIP Lisa Marie Presley”

She struggled with addiction, and being born into the family that she was, it had to be difficult. Multiple marriages, son committing suicide, media scrutiny.  

Have some dignity and think about her surviving children.