MY Sonic Labs - presumably Signature platinum
Etsuro Gold
Interesting, thanks
will have a look
Cartridge "upgrade" to Dynavector XV1T
I think the XV1T is brilliant with all the tone and dynamism styles that I want
I want an upgrade that has the same but more (not an alternative "presentation")
Yes I know I should be satisfied ... and I am ... but ...... itchy ears that like to be scratched !
Have tried "buying to try" and not successfully in terms of finance and time and effort.
We originally started with a MSL Sig Gold and then tried the Sig Platinum, both outstanding cartridges. As @jperry stated the Gold is slightly warmer and in my opinion a bit more musical, the Platinum more neutral and closer to the performance on the LP (although who knows what that really is).
(Dealer disclaimer for MSL) |