Upgrade DAC or Buy New

I own a Muse 296 DAC (first manufactured in 1998) which I've always enjoyed. I just changed my system where the DAC is driving the amps directly, but the output voltage of the Muse is only 1V, so am not getting enough output. I can upgrade the Muse to their model 192 (first manufactured in 2003), but it will cost $1,200 to do so.

So the question is should I spend the $1,200 to upgrade the unit to one that has been discontinued for a few years and is a five year old model, or look for something else? I would be willing to spend up to around $2,000 or so.

Now I'm 95% digital through a Sonos system, 5% through CD. No LP in my future; too fiddly and inconvenient for me.
Hi Smeyers,
A good active preamp will fix your issue. I use an Audio Mirror Pp1. I use LP and CD. There are some really great reasonably priced preamps that will solve your problem without changing the sound of the system you have. I have not heard the Tact, so I can't comment on how it would compare to the Audio Mirror preamps. An Audio Mirror T-61 preamp (no phono) will do the trick for you and used for under $600.00. If you don't like it, it will sell quickly.
Thanks for the info, Stereo. The funny thing is I'm awaiting delivery of Audio Mirror's SET 45 amps which are supposed to arrive tomorrow. I couldn't replace the Tact with another preamp, as I'm using the Tact for digital room correction and crossovers. All I can do is add an analog preamp like the T-61 after Tact and before the amps like this: CD Transport -> Tact -> Outboard DAC -> Active Preamp -> Amps.

I'm also looking more closely at the possibility of upgrading my outboard DAC for a higher voltage level which would eliminate the need for an active preamp. I've been noticing that there are several high end DAC manufactures that think the Burr Brown 1704 (which I have in my DAC) was the most musical DAC made (it first came out in 1998) and are still using it in their products. I do really like the sound of my DAC, but it does not currently provide enough output voltage, which was the original reason for this thread.
The 1704 is a very good dac chip. My favorite is the BB TDA1541A/S2. Zanden uses the same chip in their dac. I am in the process of finishing a TDA1541A dac kit. I am using in the mean time a NAD T585 which is really amazing me. It may be the best $500.00 I've ever spent on a player or any component.

Your gonna love those Audio Mirror amps! I was so close to getting them, but was afraid they wouldn't drive my speakers well enough so I went with 350 watt mono block class D amps.
"It may be the best $500.00 I've ever spent on a player or any component."

Isn't it great in the world of megabuck electronics when you find a sleeper?!?

"Your gonna love those Audio Mirror amps!"

I certainly hope so! I really wanted to try the SET route, but needed something that had more than just a few watts. How do like the class D stuff? I had thought about it, but decided to stick with tubes for now.