SPDIF Coax cable recommendation?


I'm looking for a recommendation for a coax spdif digital cable.

It will be feeding a Border Patrol SE-i DAC ...either directly from an Ifi Zen Stream (for now) ...or from a Denefrips Iris DDC.

The rest of the system is warm.

Ifi Zen Stream > Denefrips Iris > Border Patrol Dac OR Denefrips Ares ii Dac  > Van Alstine RB10 tube preamp > Van Alstine SET 120 power amp OR Oliver Says 2a3 SET power amp > Fritz Carbon 7 SE mkII loudspeakers

Specifically looking for a rather short cable if possible .  The stream is very close to the DAC...so a somewhat flexible cable would be good.

Also, in keeping with the high value components of the system, I'm not looking for a very expensive or exotic cable.

Thank you



I'm not looking for a very expensive or exotic cable.

You can check out Pangea and DH Labs for good quality with reasonable prices.

I would NOT completely cheap out with budget cables, they just don't get it done.

I like iFi's spdif iPurifier 2 but it isn't a cable.

1.25m to 1.5m is an ideal cable length for spdif, avoids potential for unwanted 'reflections'

canare is a good performing basic cable, made by blue jeans and others

cullen makes a better made and better sounding cable (to my ears)

audioquest older basic (less expensive) 75 ohm video cables (same as digital cable) work very well too, cost very little


thanks, the Ifi Zen streamer has the ipurifier built in to the coax spdif output ...so it’s always on when going straight out of the streamer. But not when using the Denefrips Iris

I should say I’m currently using a BJC 1m cable and it’s fine. But I was looking for an upgrade and perhaps silver given the warmth of my system.

Also, not planning on completely cheaping out....just would prefer a high value cable. I guess my budget would be up to $250 but I’d rather spend less.

I was also curious about the Signal Cable Silver Digital 

look for a used or NOS Nordost Silver Shadow - superb cable or try Audioquest Eagle Eye w DBS

OP, I have tried signal cable and found they are worth about what they cost, not really punching above their weight. BJC is also worth about what they cost which is fine for entry level stuff. The Pangea was an eye opener compared to my reference $1000 Virtual Dynamics Master coax. I could be happy with either one.