Ultimate Integrated amps

Here's a list of ultimate Integrated amps between 30-50K for people who want a simple rig with no compromise :
Dan D'agostino Momentum IntegratedAudionet HumboldtVitus SIA-30CH Precision I1Aavik U-380Jeff Rowland Daemon
Soulution 530
Feel free to add others that you know of or share your experience if you own one of them.Cheers

I asked that mag about measurements. 

reply is :

"The measurements for max current are done with a single pulse 10 k signal, and ample recovery time after each pulse, so it is a true max current measurement. Pos and neg stand for the positive and negative half cycle of the single 10k pulse." 


So Diablo300 is 1750W into 1 ohm , with peak current 238A/268A.


Pass labs INT250 is 280W into 1 ohm and with peak current  surprisingly
low and also asymmetrical 21/31A.


Luxman 509X  is 204W into 1 ohm and with peak current 104/107A.




@dinus777  Thanks for the clarification. The Diablo 300 is a 85 pound beast of an integrated amp and can probably drive any speaker out there.

@swede58 ,

Yes, Indeed. I had a home demo of Gryphon Diablo 300 and it was just fantastic amp. I did like it very much and saving for it. Superb bass, smooth highs, darkish sound with a lot of mass and thick thick midrange. It produces a wall of sound, very very big soundstage. My speakers are Harbeth M40.3XD, DAC - Mola Mola Tambaqui.