Ultimate Integrated amps

Here's a list of ultimate Integrated amps between 30-50K for people who want a simple rig with no compromise :
Dan D'agostino Momentum IntegratedAudionet HumboldtVitus SIA-30CH Precision I1Aavik U-380Jeff Rowland Daemon
Soulution 530
Feel free to add others that you know of or share your experience if you own one of them.Cheers

To put it simple, there is no ultimate int amp.


it will depend on synergy with your amp and source.


Also it will be afftected by personal taste and room.


It is alway fun to attend audio show and lookf for synergy between components.



An excellent list of contenders as above. Any Current rating  above 60(A) is quite significant.  Season's Greetings!


Happy Listening!


I asked that mag about measurements. 

reply is :

"The measurements for max current are done with a single pulse 10 k signal, and ample recovery time after each pulse, so it is a true max current measurement. Pos and neg stand for the positive and negative half cycle of the single 10k pulse." 


So Diablo300 is 1750W into 1 ohm , with peak current 238A/268A.


Pass labs INT250 is 280W into 1 ohm and with peak current  surprisingly
low and also asymmetrical 21/31A.


Luxman 509X  is 204W into 1 ohm and with peak current 104/107A.




@dinus777  Thanks for the clarification. The Diablo 300 is a 85 pound beast of an integrated amp and can probably drive any speaker out there.

@swede58 ,

Yes, Indeed. I had a home demo of Gryphon Diablo 300 and it was just fantastic amp. I did like it very much and saving for it. Superb bass, smooth highs, darkish sound with a lot of mass and thick thick midrange. It produces a wall of sound, very very big soundstage. My speakers are Harbeth M40.3XD, DAC - Mola Mola Tambaqui.