Those singers you enjoy,....that don't really have a great voice?

There have been successful singers in almost any style that realistically did not have a "golden" voice.  Perhaps guilty pleasures.  Who are yours?


Superlative female vocals:

Lady Gaga

Roxanne Potvin

Marina Celeste

The Buzzhorn, Course of Nature, Pulse Ultra - absolutely stellar alternative rock bands. 

For the record, Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World and Five for Fighting - 100 Years:are atrocious...the vocals.

What a wonderful world the song I’ll play when I’ve got a week to live on my death-bed; and 100 years is the only song that can make a person feel guilty for being alive...reminding them that life is short and we’re all going to die one day.

Ted Hawkins - Great street singer, briefly recorded in the 1990s before dying young.