SPDIF Coax cable recommendation?


I'm looking for a recommendation for a coax spdif digital cable.

It will be feeding a Border Patrol SE-i DAC ...either directly from an Ifi Zen Stream (for now) ...or from a Denefrips Iris DDC.

The rest of the system is warm.

Ifi Zen Stream > Denefrips Iris > Border Patrol Dac OR Denefrips Ares ii Dac  > Van Alstine RB10 tube preamp > Van Alstine SET 120 power amp OR Oliver Says 2a3 SET power amp > Fritz Carbon 7 SE mkII loudspeakers

Specifically looking for a rather short cable if possible .  The stream is very close to the DAC...so a somewhat flexible cable would be good.

Also, in keeping with the high value components of the system, I'm not looking for a very expensive or exotic cable.

Thank you



Assuming BNC connectors the Belden 4794R 12G CDI has seen off quite a few digital audio cables when I still used SPDiff. Blue Jeans sell it for not very much but it’s quite stiff and be carful about the bend radius. Works well with a BNC to RCA adaptor at one end too but not both.

Thanks for all the suggestions

Lots of folks suggesting used AZ MC2 as well as DH Labs.

I may make an offer on one of the AZ cables being offered.

A few people suggested Morrow...and there's a DIG3 from Morrow that just posted on USaudiomart for $60.

Also, my equipment is rca to rca.

My analog interconnects will be next (streamer to pre and pre to power).  Not sure how much I need to think about synergy between the analog rca's and digital spdif at this point 

Another vote for Nordost Silver Shadow, or the not too shabby Nordost Blue Heaven.