Is there anything better than live recordings?

Other than attending the concerts themselves?

I say NO.




  I personally think that most live recordings are sub par. However occasionally I find a good one, and I very much enjoy them. I went through a phase back when Blu-ray first came out and had a large concert collection. I had a surround system   ( 5.2 ) that was comprised of retro 2 channel gear. Concerts like Queen, Allison Krause, ELO, Roxy Music,  ect we’re very enjoyable. But the ratio of poor to good  was about 5:1.  Happy Listening, Mike B. 

One of the most enjoyable parts of exploring new music is finding well done live recordings of familiar albums or songs. As some mentioned, the recording quality tends to be much more varied with live performances.


But the well recorded ones are very enjoyable, and in some cases, more so than the studio/album itself in my opinion. There are even live recordings that are better produced than the original album itself I've come across.