Need Speakers to be Close to Wall $10k budget

I've been enjoying my Audio Physic Avanti III speakeres for a few years now, powered by Joule Electra Grand Marquis 160 (160wpc OTL monoblocks). I currently enjoy the speekers in a large room that allows placement pretty far into the room, which suits the speakers. However I'm moving to a new place this weekend and space is more constrained - I'll need to have the speakers closer to the wall, and perhaps just a few inches away from the wall. This won't be an ideal setup for the Audio Physics, so I'll likely need to change to something more suitable. I can spend a bit more too this time. I'll be buying used and my budget would be in the area of $10k, though would be happy to spend less.

I'd prefer not to have to sell/swap out my amps but might consider it if absolutely necessary. I'm much more inclined towards tube amps, but could possibkly spring for something like Bryston 28BSST for the Magico's if the ss match was deemed essential.

I was thinking maybe Magico Mini II or Wilson Sophia II or perhaps Rockport Mira or MBL 116. These are speakers I'm a bit familar with (other than the Magicos) and I like what I've heard - I listen to a wide range of music and watch a lot of movies too. I've a Velodyne DD18 sub on hand too, so the speakers don't need to go that deep necessarily.

I'd welcome any suggestions. Thanks!
Go with electrostatics with low bass output. A bit of wall treatment and you'll be finer.
I have a pair of Totem Fire monitors, love the sound in my living room (13x25 or so), speakers close to the back wall (a little more bass around 80hz of so than is "natural"), so the idea of the Duettes is intriguing, they seem to be engineered for rooms like mine.

I auditioned the Duette Series 1 speakers and with some music just sounded too "shrill". Thoughts from those who've auditioned the Duette Series II?
Sorry for the late follow-up on this thread I initiated this time last year (I ran into forum login challenges). Well the upshot is that I was able to continue using my Audio Physic Avanti III speakers. After moving into the new place, I ened up being able to position the spears appropriately, away from the wall, so am good for now.

Thanks for the useful suggestions though. Hopefully the input has helped others with near-wall placement requirements.
Audio Note and Wilson Duettes spring to mind, as others have suggested. They are both designed to be used close to the wall, the Audionote's ideally in a corner. I do love the sound of both. The new duettes are pretty expensive, but I am not sure I don't prefer the old ones better, though I listened to them in different systems. Both are reasonably sensitive, particularly the Audio Notes and both like tubes, the Duettes Audio Research of course