Bricasti M5 vs Ultrarendu Advice?

Currently I am using Bricasti M5 for my network player. I was recently told that a Sonore Ultrarendu with LPS would be a noticeable improvement.  I was with the understanding the M5 was a step up from the UR.  Anyone with experience comparing these two players?  
My set up = router-fmc-opt cable-fmc-M5-Lab 12 DAC with a Sonic Transporter i5 as Roon Core


I have an UltraRendu, an OpticalRendu (with linear PSUs) and a Bricasti M5. I use the M5. I really must get around to selling the two Rendus.

For me, as a streamer, the M5 is as good as it gets. It also has AES/EBU and SPDIF, as well as USB, while the Rendus only have USB. AES/EBU sounds much better to me than USB with all of the many DACs I have used over the past few years. But even with USB, the M5 is a better unit.

yes indeed, sonore's optical rendu -- and the earlier released ultrarendu (no optical conversion) -- are not to be confused with each other