Concur on the lack of TEAC advertising and reviews...
I was not familiar with nor would have considered TEAC without a recommendation from my local dealer to just give the NT505X a listen, as he and some audio club members did a listening session with it against a well known, much more $ brand (and its new upgrades) and were impressed, perhaps surprised, that they all preferred the TEAC. I wasn't really even in the DAC market. I did a little research (and found this there are very few on the 505X or the 701N), and thought why not give it a shot. The 505X was indeed impressive, but glad I am also trying out the 701N.
Honestly, the digital side is secondary to me, but I'm all for major improvements at reasonable cost. There are many other brands/models to possibly try out that have many reviews and associated advertising, but the TEAC value (relative to either model being discussed) would be hard to beat, I imagine.