Need Recommendation on Best CD player under $1,000

I have Wadia tastes, but not the budget. My electronics; Rowland preamp, Edge power, Thiel 2.3 speakers (w/Vandersteen sub.) Tastes range from Hildegard Von Bingen to Korn and everything in between. I've gone the used "out-of-business" route with a Kinergetics KCD-20, but when the transport died and no parts were available, I had an expensive boat anchor. Recommendations?
Easy. Playstation 1 SCPH-1001 at $25. (Okay, let the barrage begin!) I also agree with Lamcam that Naim CD5i is a great deal when purchased used. Apollo, too.
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Pick up a Sony CE 595 ($150) and have it modified for $750 by Paul/Brian Weitzel at Tube Research Labs (TRL). Takes the player to another level. Lots of information here on A-gon and elsewhere.
While I basically agree with Tvad, remember that today's $1,000 CD player, technologically was a $3000 to $5000 player 10 years ago. Your other gear was about the same 10 years ago.

If they took the guts out of any of these players, put it in a fancier case and put Mark Levinson on the front, a lot of people would gladly pay 3 to 5 times as much and not know the difference. We all (me included) focus too much on the price.
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