Best turntable under $4000

I am looking to take the next step in my analog journey. I currently am using a Fluance RT85 with ortofon 2m blue. I have a Rogue Audio cronus magnum iii. I am running them with Kef 104/2 's. Fluance seems to get alot of hate on here. I was considering a cartridge upgrade but I am hesitant to upgrade more then the cost of the table. I don't hear much background noise and like the sound. I guess I am wondering if I don't know I hear noise because I have not heard a turntable that eliminates that noise? When I went from my Onkyo to my Rogue Sphinx iii I realized I had been missing a whole lot of sound. Then I ditched my rebuilt EPI M150's and heard hidden instruments in tracks I have listened to for years. I am looking for that in a turntable upgrade.  Apperance is important. I have interest in the following:

Clear Audio Concept Wood w/ maestro v2

Mofi fender precisiondeck w/ mastertracker

Stretching my budget is:

Dr. Feikert Volare no cartridge

Gold Note Pianosa no cartridge

These take me out of my budget once I get a cartridge

Any other reccomendations 

I will miss the autostart function for those buzzed listening nights. I would like the 4k to include a cartridge. Any opinions are welcome. Anyone think I should say screw the "rules" and get an Ortofon black?


Thank you in advance


Systemdek IIX with a Jelco SA-370H tonearm.  It may be vintage gear from the mid 1980's but you'd have to spend a lot more money to exceed its performance.  Especially when considering the law of diminishing returns in this hobby.   You can purchase a nice IIX for under $500,  a NOS SA-370H for under $400 (eBay has a few at the moment),  If you're handy and can install the arm yourself your investment is under a grand.  Lots of good cartridge choices for under $500 these days.

Just some food for thought, since your total expenditure would be around $1500, and the other $2500 can go towards albums.  


@elliottbnewcombjr It's not about liking it. I can like it all I want it's still DJ equipment. If DJs used Linn, it would be Linn. Looks, quality, performance aside.

Let me get this straight, grisly, you can’t bring yourself to use a Technics TT because DJs use or once used their bottom of the line SL1200, never mind that the 1200G series are better in every way and not to mention that probably hundreds of thousands of audiophiles have happily  used and do use the old SL1200 in home systems, not to mention also the SP10 mk2 and mk3 or the SP10R that each rivaled the best TTs available in their day and at present?


I could. I would be very pleased to have one.

It’s just not in my top 3. Looks matter to me, I am shallow.

my point is that the OP mentioned appearance as part of his considerations. They certainly are for me, and I would never buy a Technics based on not liking it's look.

It's easy to say "... can't go wrong with, ... nothing better than ... technics ..."

Knowing OP likes wood, rounded corners appeal (not features found in Technics models) what other TT's are also great choices???