You know when you are dealing with a BS company....

...when you read statements like this:

"You can expect a 15% to 20% improvement in sound for each level as you move up the line. The improvements are in soundstage, resolution, realism, musical presentation, impact, etc."

Me: yeah, the humidity in my room changed from 44 to 45% yesterday, and I immidiately noticed that the realism dropped by 3.4%, yet the musical presentation actually WENT UP by 8.3%. I was able to compensate by turning the lights on in the kitchen and changed my socks. Puh, that was close.




Post removed 


I’ve had people ask me the same much do your speaker cables cost?

I tell them...$40.

Just mil-spec silver wire with good insulation. 2 sets of 2 for my speakers. 3 feet each at 12 AWG. Because it’s military specified, the range of frequencies and highest temperature the cable can reach before melting is way higher than standard/bulk copper cable rolls.

This is the same stuff used in jet aircrafts for wiring. I’m sure this is more than enough for audio applications.

Tell this to a diehard audiophile, and they still believe the more expensive/the better. "it’s about the quality." the say. "You are paying for better quality and better sound quality."

I’ve run in to so many of these audiophiles in person (at audio shops etc.) lol

Not to mention, very heavy cables place strain on speaker terminals, inputs etc.

To the layman audiophile, thicker cables always means better. Especially the garden-hose variety. It's hilarious to see believers of such cables in person...

I don't see too many people on this site say to use garden hose speaker cables. It depends on the speaker you are using, if you have apogee scintilla I would definitely use a very short garden hose cable.

"I’ve had people ask me the same much do your speaker cables cost?

I tell them...$40.

Just mil-spec silver wire with good insulation....

This is the same stuff used in jet aircrafts for wiring. I’m sure this is more than enough for audio applications."

So have you actually ever TRIED the higher end cables you seem to be raging against?

Or higher end cables from ANY company? Any at all?

Amir, is that you?

Aside from the fact that this post was NOT meant to open a wire discussion (or even a discussion about the quality of the brand that puts mega BS in their ads), rather complaining about mega BS plastered in ads by supposedly serious companies selling technical products:



mastering92 as long as your 'mil spec' cables/wires give you at least 12-16% improvement in spacial divergence, you can sell them for 40% more. I still need to find a suitable cable for my small office, a cable that decreases the roominess by 18% so the sound fits into my space. I already ordered the soundstage tape measure from Morrow to also measure the width of the soundstage (may need to address that too and cant use Morrow cables since theirs' INCREASE the soundstage by 15-20% each and won't fit in my office).