Need Recommendation on Best CD player under $1,000

I have Wadia tastes, but not the budget. My electronics; Rowland preamp, Edge power, Thiel 2.3 speakers (w/Vandersteen sub.) Tastes range from Hildegard Von Bingen to Korn and everything in between. I've gone the used "out-of-business" route with a Kinergetics KCD-20, but when the transport died and no parts were available, I had an expensive boat anchor. Recommendations?
The new top of the line NAD is outstanding for the money (about 600 new) as is the REGA Apollo for about 850.
Some good recommendations here. You might consider trying a Music Hall CD25.2 Cd Player and replace the analog output stage opamps with a pair of Burson Discrete Opamps. Pretty easy to do, comes in under budget, and (to my ears in my system)has the best sound under $1K. The Bursons take a decent CD player and turn it into a real contender with just about anything I've heard in my 20-plus years of neurosa. I have the Music Hall paired with Thiel 3.6 speakers and I think it would mate well with your 2.3s. Good luck...
Well I hope the OP has purchased something by now. This thread was over 1 1/2 years old.