Musical Surroundings Phonomena II+ -OR- Moon 110lp v2 -OR- Parasound ZPhono XRM Phono

I have a Rega P3, which one would be my best bet? Does anyone know the differences and weather the Musical Surroundings is nearly twice as good as the Parasound, as the price suggest?

What I am lacking from my setup is detail. The more complex the music is, the blurrier it gets



I did screw up the settings, back to fixing it!

So, yes, I found the details. It's super crisp and bright. Is there a way to tone it down to more neutral with the load and gain settings?


I am a relative newb to vinyl and still learning about load, gain, different carts, etc.  But I don't think there is much more you can do except put the gain on the lowest setting and play around with the loading.  I bought the PH ll+ because of it's flexibility and MC cart capability.  I am considering trying the Ania MC cart sometime in the future.  But, I may have to look for a phonostage that's a little more tame!  Still experimenting and listening. 

I will say that keeping your vinyl as clean as possible will definitely help reduce noise.  I've become somewhat obsessed with dust, humidity, etc.


yeah, I am on the lowest on the gain :)

I agree with you, the vinyl has to be clean. I have some that sound absolutely terrible from the most anal, recording quality obsessed musicians.

Time to learn vinyl clean for me on the cheap. 


Best of luck!  Vinyl takes some work with many variables to consider.  But, I've heard it sound fantastic even on my modest system.    

@pkatsuleas I love the sound, especially the vintage sound, that CDs can't recreate. All the imperfections, background noises, everything that brings it alive.