["grundy1700 This would only happen if my JPS Labs Golden Flutes were looped into the system, and it was playing very loud. Without the Golden Flutes it didn't happen. It was a truly frightening experience the first time it happened, because I was home alone. Has anyone else had anything like this occur?"]
As I understand it, the JPS Labs Flutes were a low frequency filter that allowed lower frequencies access to the speakers woofers likely bypassing some aspect of the the crossover?
If memory serves me the Flutes required another long speaker cable run which became the impetus for the JPS Labs Cable business?
Did running the Flutes do any damage to those woofers?
Unknowingly, my first Gene Cerwinski product was the L-187 driver used in Russ Alee's acoustic Control 360/361 electric Bass amplifier. Shortly after I purchased my first stand alone solid state amplifier the Cerwin-Vega A-1800 and a B-36 bin for the PA all from Leo's Music on College Ave. in Oakland.