Anybody try the new Heaven 11 Billie Mk 2?

Looks like a great amp but not many reviews yet. I may give one a try and see how I like it. I’m cross shopping a Pass Labs XA-25 for comparison. 



The Heaven 11 Billie and the Pass XA25 are completely different animals: one is an all in one dac/phono/$2k class d integrated and the other (Pass) is a class a solid state amplifier only. Maybe cross shipping with something like a Peachtree is more comparable?

Yep I’m up on the specs/topology of both amps but I’m hearing the Billie MK2 is unique in its sound signature. Apparently the preamp section is very good.  Just fishing for opinions from those who’ve heard it. 

Billie and Pass seem like very different products. The Billie seems like the perfect integrated for an apartment, perhaps a younger audiophile. The company makes one product, is that right? I considered it early on, but went with a company with a longer track record, Quicksilver. Later, I got a Pass XA 25, which is an amplifier and not an integrated. So, OP, your post is puzzling me.

Apologies, I tend to be scatter brained. I’ll clarify. 

I’m in the market for a new solid state amp or hybrid. I am heavily considering either the Pass Labs XA-25 and some sort of preamp or the INT-25. I saw Steve Huff’s review of the Heaven 11 MK2 and it piqued my interest. He drew parallels between it and a Luxman and Pass Labs so it must have some redeeming qualities that perhaps make it excel beyond your average hybrid Class D amp. He seemed to be enamored with it at any rate. I know he has expensive tastes so maybe there’s something there.